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"Stay informed and up-to-date with the latest in dental medicine with our constantly updated list of reference articles. These articles, written by experts in the field, cover a wide range of topics, from dental care to the newest technologies in dental medicine".

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1Evaluation of Ricketts’ and Bolton’s growth prediction algorithms embedded in two diagnostic imaging and cephalometric softwareDownload
2Change in the vertical dimension of Class II Division 1 patients after use of cervical or high-pull headgearDownload
3Vertical characteristics of posterior teeth in untreated malocclusionsDownload
4Assessment of vertical changes during maxillary expansion using quad helix or bonded rapid maxillary expanderDownload
5Dr Annie Analysis SampleDownload
6Improving the accuracy of publicly available search engines in recognizing and classifying dental visual assets using convolutional neural networksDownload
7Utilization of Machine Learning Methods for Predicting Ortho- 2 dontic Treatment Length Download
8The validity of an artificial intelligence application for assessment of orthodontic treatment need from clinical imagesDownload
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Supporting  Published EVIDENCE-Based References in International Referred Scientific Journals

Development of Research Project and Publications

    2015 : Owes T, Kusnoto B, BeGole EA, Obrez A, Oppermann N, Sanchez F.

    Skeletal growth changes in Class II subjects treated with slow palatal expansion journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists 4 (2015) 8e13

    2016 : Sagun M, Kusnoto B, Galang MT, Viana G, Evan CA.

    Comporison of computerized cephalometric growth prediction: a study of three methods.  J World Fed Orthod. 4: 146 - 150, 2015

    2017 : Dobbins-Zervas E, Kusnoto B, Galang MT, Viana G, Oppermann N, Sanchez F, Obrez A, Romero EG.

    Change in the Vertical Dimension of Class II Division I Patients After Use of Cervical -or-High-Pull Headgear. Accepted for publication to AM J Orthod Dentofac Orthop, Dec 2016(AJODO-D-15-00434R3)

    2018 : Piskai-Conroy C, Galang MT, Obrez A, Viana G, Oppermann N, Sanchez F, Edgren B, Kusnoto B.

    Assessment of Vertical Changes During Palatal Expansion using Quad Helix or Bonded Rapid Palatal Expander. Angle Orthod, 2016.

    2019 : Nation L, Sanchez F, Oppermann N, Galang-Boquiren M, Viana M, Kusnoto B

    Vertical characteristics of posterior teeth in untreated malocclusions. World Federation of Orthodontists.

    2021 : Bulatova G, Kusnoto B, Viana G, Tsay TP, Avenetti DM, Sanchez F.

    Assessment of automatic cephalometric landmark identification using artificial intelligence. Orthodontics and Craniofacial Research, 24(S2), 37-42. doi:10.1111/ocr.12542. 2021

    Completion of the 10 years journey of digitally archiving as well as data mining project (cataloging and categorization) of the treatment philosophy of Bioprogressive (Dr R.M.Ricketts), a collection of Big data of over 20,000 cases world wide treated with similar philosophy for early treatment and early intervention for managing dental malocclusion. This work continues and being used as baseline of many research projects thereafter (2015-2018).

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