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Greetings Loyal Customers and Doctors

There is no better time to say thank you for your continued support, 

We finally completed significant enhancements not only in our data service.

Since last year we have released our FMBO mobile app on PlayStore & AppleStore which has many functions available for our users.

Through the utilization of the FMBO/DS app user can also perform not only this preliminary data service as guidelines to treatment BUT also features such as teledentistry consultation, request appointment to your clinic by patients using the app, some promotion and marketing features, QR code check-in and many more.

In the coming spring of 2025, the FMBO/DS will be featuring its licensing technology of DR. ANNIE™ - (Data Research Artificial Neural Network Intelligence Expert) a patented and trademarked technology with years of development based on thousands of treated and analyzed cases. More announcements will come soon with our upcoming Spring 2025 Webinar.

- powered by DR. ANNIE ™ -
Cephalometric Description

This report is generated for lateral and frontal X-rays.

Over 100 measured factors are evaluated and printed with norms and clinical deviation based on patient age, sex, and race.

Tracing Sheet

Lateral and frontal tracing; the most popular analyses (Ricketts, Jabarak, Steiner, Sassouni, Downs, and Grummons). 

Visual Norms

Visual norm is an individual computer composite or a normal population selected by age, gender, and race, adjusted for size.

Growth Forecast to Maturity

Growth forecast to maturity with and without treatment are displayed Expected profile, skeletal development and dentition are evaluated.


The Privileges You Get 

  •  Together with our DR Pattie Dutton who supervise the analysis and treatment staging of each cases

  • In the next few month DR ANNIE ™ through our enhanced FMBO data services (FMBODS) will be able to offer our users quicker turn around

  • Enhanced analysis

  • Prescreened simplified analysis

  • and many more


Dear Customers

Our diagnostic service is finally back. With new capabilities and features including secure HIPPA compliant. We utilize secure Google Platform technology to streamline your order. At a present time our order form only works with PC and Google Chrome browser. We continue working to enhance the experience as well as the security for all of our clients in 2021. If you forget your Customer number, email us at [email protected] prior ordering. Please note also that you event don't need to sign-up or sign-in to Bioprogressive Portal to made an order.

Thank you for using FMBODS at Bioprogressive , orthodontic diagnostic system.

Secure Payments                           Safe and Secure SSL Encrypted


Please note that FMBODS billing will be made through the Stripe Invoice service and will be sent via email address [email protected]

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FMBO mobile app
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